10 Problems With The Metal Gear Series Nobody Wants To Admit

8. ...And So Are The Spin-Offs

Not that the crummy entries in the Metal Gear series are limited to those early years. Whilst those titles were mostly forgotten, nothing more than curios that only the most hardcore of Solid Snake fans would track down (or actually deign to play when they came packaged with the PS3 HD collection that brought together all the pre-current gen titles). Unfortunately, those aren't the only people who played the recent spin-offs. They began with the two Metal Gear Acid games for the PSP, a turn-based tactics games that used trading cards to control the action €“ a clumsy mechanic that didn't really work when it was shoehorned into what's actually a fairly streamlined sort of stealth game which requires quick thinking and hiding, not shuffling pretend cards. Portable Ops was better, although the controls were terrible there too; there was a half-arsed shoot-'em-up for the iPhone; that online game that came with MGS4 that nobody played; and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance apparently happened. Tempting though it is to think of Metal Gear as a straight story told by auetuer Kojima, it's a franchise with more spin-offs than Mario.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/