10 Progressive Characters Who Prove Video Games Aren't Bigoted

2. Birdo - Super Mario Bros.

Believe it or not 1986€™s Super Mario Bros. 2 featured the first transgender video game character, Birdo. She was described in the booklet as: €œHe thinks he is a girl and he spits eggs from his mouth. He€™d rather be called Birdetta.€ And in those two sentences, Nintendo had begun a positive trend to featuring transgender characters within games, as well as preparing you for the onslaught of eggs she€™d fire at you throughout the game. Following this subtle description there was much discussion on Birdo€™s sexuality, as to whether it was intentional or a translation error, however, for the naysayers, Nintendo further confirmed this through their Satellaview, USA only, sequel of Super Mario Bros. 2, by having three different versions of Birdo voiced by various gay men and transgender women.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.