10 PS1 Characters That Should Be In Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

2. Spyro and Sparks (Spyro The Dragon)

Like the Jak & Daxter pair up, here's an older, purpler duo who could really shine in All Star Battle Royale. Spyro had some of the best platforming games on the Playstation. Things arguably started to go downhill when the series moved on from Ratchet and Clank creators Insomniac Games. The magic ingredient just seemed to disappear after the characters changed developers.

Spyro is a dragon. And dragons are cool. Therefore you can see already how well this would work. He can breathe fire and has a charge attack. Maybe incorporate some of his skateboarding skills from Year of the Dragon. While Sparks could lend some support perhaps with ranged attacks or with some kind of buff. Spyro was one of the biggest names on Sony's grey box of tricks, and there was only one other that rose above it in platforming glory.

1. Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)

Could there be anybody else? No, no there could not. One cannot have a game celebrating some of Sony's well known and most beloved franchises and not include the unofficial mascot that got people excited about their original console. On this point I will not waver. Sure Crash may have fallen on hard times since the franchise left Naughty Dog's hands, but his three original games are still classics that shine in their own right.

Plus he's got an arsenal that means he would be more than a match for the likes of that other mascot Toro, whoever he is. Crash has a spin attack, complemented by a slide move. Of course we'd also include his Wumpa fruit launcher from Crash 3: Warped. As for special moves he could ride around the stage on a wild piggy, or Aku Aku could turn him into a whirling colourful tornado of death. What I'm saying is, Crash needs to be in this game, more so than any other character listed prior.

And that's that. Come back in a day or two when we list the 10 PS2 era franchises which deserve some time in the spotlight.


Corey's been in love with games ever since he first met a bandicoot many moons ago. Since then he's discovered he'll play pretty much anything, except karaoke games. He spends his time writing, listening to classic rock and drinking perhaps a little too much Guinness. You can follow his Irish internet ramblings on his Twitter @Corey_Milne