10 PS2 Games That Still Blow Our Minds

2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

MGS2 3

Much has been said about the many things Metal Gear Solid 2 does that blows player's minds, whether it's back in 2001 or the current day; it's protagonist bait-and-switch, marriage of Japanese and American storytelling elements and a plot about using misinformation as a weapon that is more poignant today than ever.

These are all good reasons to feature Sons of Liberty on this list but more than this it looks incredible. Where the original MGS somehow turned the polygonal architecture of the PlayStation 1 into surprisingly enrapturing cinema, three years later MGS2's graphics are a genuine wonder to behold. Incredible art design makes every character's animations look fluid and believable.

On top of this, the world of MGS2 pushed gaming technology into new standards. The rain in the opening tanker level bouncing off of Snake and the ground below him was something previously thought impossible. The game's proud usage of reflections really made it stand out, with shiny floors and mirrors that were enabled by the brilliant trickery of completely mimicking the game world between a semi-transparent surface. The shadows are dynamic, and can even impact your gameplay, as guards can spot a hiding player from their shadow.

The level of artistry on display helped MGS2 remain one of the best looking games for the rest of the PS2's life and it's a landmark in pushing the medium forwards.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.