10 Quick-Time Events That Made Video Games BETTER
4. The Final Boss - Kingdom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts 2 also treats quicktime events in a pleasingly balanced way. You largely don’t have to execute them, but you’ll get an advantage in combat if you do.
Succeeding at a QTE rewards the player with getting the advantage over an enemy, plus you get to watch Sora pull off some sick moves. Kingdom Hearts is all about the wish fulfilment of gallivanting around gorgeous worlds accompanied by your Disney and Pixar favs, so chucking in a mechanic that makes things even more outlandish and epic is a no-brainer.
While the game is peppered with great QTEs, we’ve got to give the cake to the final battle against Xemnas. The warriors of the keyblade square up against the big bad for one final push. Being that this is a Square Enix game, the final encounter is made up of multiple stages that are likely going to take you at least half an hour. It all culminates in an epic last stand within the realm of darkness where Sora and Riku must reflect thousands of lasers being shot at them.
To do this you’ll need to mash buttons until you can mash buttons no more and by the end you’ll be exactly as exhausted and stressed as your protagonists.
It’s an incredible scene that’s totally in keeping with the journey. Plus the victory tastes awfully sweet thanks to all that adrenaline.