10 Rare Video Game Enemies You Haven't Seen

5. Poseidus - World Of Warcraft (2004)

dark souls vagrant
Blizzard Entertainment

Launching all the way back in 2004, World Of Warcraft remains one of the most popular MMOs ever made. Thanks to the release of numerous expansions over the years, Blizzard's beloved game has only continued to grow.

With a game of this size, there's a lengthy list of rare discoveries to seek out within Blizzard's beloved game. One of the rarest creatures that players have dedicated dozens of hours looking for is Poseidus.

A purplish-blue seahorse, this majestic animal can only be found at a handful of specific spawn points located throughout the Shimmering Expanse and Abyssal Depths.

What makes this beast especially difficult to find, though, is its callosal spawn timer, which is estimated to be between two to eight hours. Players can therefore spend entire sessions hunting for this creature without it ever being present in the server. And thanks to a bug that can stop the corpse despawning after another player kills them, it could potentially take days for Poseidus to reappear.

Killing Poseidus is worth the effort, though. Upon defeating, it's guaranteed to drop the Reins Of Poseidus, which summons the elite Subdued Seahorse mount for underwater travel.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.