10 Rare Video Game Enemies You Haven't Seen

3. Evil Vagrant - Dark Souls (2011)

dark souls vagrant

During their time in Dark Souls, players will come across an array of enemies that are as unpleasant as they are difficult. With each area of the game housing its own distinctive flavours of foes, there’s no shortage of terrors to be killed by.

Even in a game with secret areas and bosses that can easily be missed, it’s possible to complete this notoriously hard title several times without seeing a specific enemy: Vagrants.

Also known as Drift Items, these creatures are unlike anything else in the game and are easily identified by their egg-shaped body, crab-like claw, and glowing tendrils. Meeting one, though, is entirely dependent on other players, meaning that the game must be connected to the internet for one to appear.

This enemy appears when another player dies with five humanity or more, and fails to retrieve their souls after death. Their dropped resources are sent to another player’s world in the form of a Vagrant.

Even rarer than the regular Black Vagrants are the much tougher red phantom versions, which only spawn after passing through 20 other players’ worlds.

Although they don't pose much of a challenge, Vagrants are nevertheless extremely rare to come across.

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Dark Souls
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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.