10 Rarest Events In Open World Video Games
6. Dark Energy Dissertation - Mass Effect 3
One of many instances in Mass Effect 3 that relied on specific things happening in both previous games, during mission "Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage", you must have spoken to and completed all of Conrad Verner's tasks.
Doing so will make Conrad Verner a potential war asset during this mission, though to be expected, Verner will be talking his usual nonsensical shtick. However, he will give you access to his Dark Energy Dissertation, worth a whopping one whole point towards your "Galactic Readiness" endgame stat.
You might be able to snag some more points for the GR meter if you've been super diligent with your time in the Milky Way up to this point, too. You'll need to have finished the following quests: "Feros: Data Recovery" a fetch quest that must be completed not long after you destroy the Thorian, "UNC: Asari Writings", an incredibly tedious collectible quest, where you need to find 14 of these writings spread throughout the galaxy, and buy "Elkoss Combine Armory License" from a vendor.
Until this point, most of these had felt rather pointless, but beating all three nets you an incredible boost to the dissertation in the form of FOUR more points.
If you hadn't guessed, these amounts are arguably not worth all that effort, but the triggering of them is certainly rare because of it.