10 Rarest Video Game Deaths You Didn't Know Existed

3. Darwin Award - Deep Rock Galactic

Detroit become human
Ghost Ship Games

Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op game about space-faring dwarves working for a greedy corporation, extracting ore from a planet swarming with ravenous monster bugs.

Despite the futuristic setting, the dwarves of Deep Rock Galactic enjoy the same exact things as their medieval fantasy cousins, including mining, blowing a fuse when someone insults their ancestors, and, of course, drinking!

As a matter of fact, some of them might enjoy drinking a little too much and suffer a secret death that you can get an achievement for!

The lobby where you and your friends hang out between missions features a bar where you can spend your hard-earned paycheck on all sorts of alcoholic beverages that can get your dwarf hammered.

If you reach a sufficiently drunk state and then jump into the ball hoop next to the bar, your character will be immediately disintegrated by the laser at the bottom of the machine, and you will get the secret Darwin Award achievement for managing to die in the dumbest way possible while wasted off of cheap dwarven ales.

Well, at least you went out like a true dwarf—loud and inebriated. Ancestors would be proud!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.