10 Rarest Video Game NPCs You've Never Seen Before
5. Poseidus - World Of Warcraft
World of Warcraft's bestiary is filled with rare and unique creatures that you can encounter only in specific locations and under specific circumstances.
Out of all them, the most tricky to find is Poseidus, a giant seahorse that lives in a hard-to-reach part of the sea and has a ridiculously low percentage chance of spawning.
If you've ever heard of Poseidus, it's probably because of the unique seahorse mount that the creature drops if you manage to kill it. It is also very probable that, despite these rumors, you've never actually seen anyone riding on the mount because the search for Poseidon is really that difficult.
Aside from the already mentioned difficulties of finding Poseidon, the unique reward he offers means that there are thousands of players lining up to get a chance of taking it for themselves.
So even if you show up at the right place at the right time, Poseidus may still evade your eyes, as the only evidence of his presence will be a dozen determined players circling around his disappearing corpse like a school of ravenous sharks.
Ah, nothing like some good old-fashioned Warcraft rivalry!