10 Reasons You Should Avoid The Sims 4

9. The Sims 4 Is Barebones So You Will Have To Buy The DLC

It's a typical, and not entirely unexpected tactic, especially from EA. It is obvious that The Sims 4 will have a long and healthy life being regularly given shots of longevity through content packs and more substantial entries in the form of expansion packs. But no game beforehand in the series has had any form of exploitation as strongly as this game seems to have. The lack of content, some of which will be covered further in this article, is a little astounding. It may be fair to say that with the pressures of modern game development, the team at EA Maxis simply couldn't provide all the content they wanted to, in the time frame they were forced to adhere to by the suits. Especially as it's DLC monsters EA, who peddle small content packs like that shady guy on your street corner deals little baggies full of chemicals you shouldn't touch. But that alternative that hardly bears thinking about means they set up this scenario on purpose, to deprive their fans of just that little bit more money in these dark economic times. That is a concept that is truly worrying to consider. It's an awful state of affairs when that seems the most logical conclusion.
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The Sims 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.