10 Reasons Infamous: Second Son Will Be The PS4's First Essential Title

1. Delsin May Have An Epic Showdown With Cole

It's time to draw some parallels to Prototype; the series that basically plagiarised everything about Infamous, only failing to actually make it fun. In this situation though, it might be wise for Sucker Punch to take a page from the book of Prototype 2. For those unfamiliar, Prototype 2 also decided to make a protagonist switch, only with the brilliant idea of having it's previous protagonist turn out to be the new villain in what made for one the coolest boss fights in recent memory. Two evenly matched indestructible forces collided in a fight where all powers were busted out and used against each other. It was also a multi-layered battle that benefited from being lengthy; it would be pretty lame if defeating an equally-powerful demigod took thirty seconds. Sucker Punch can take this idea to a whole new level. The mere thought of a climactic final boss fight with Cole fighting Delsin would be a guaranteed shoe-in for one of the greatest gaming moments of all time. There is just unlimited potential when you factor in how vast each of their move sets are, and that the PlayStation 4's unprecedented graphical capabilities could pave the way for some of the most memorable set pieces in gaming history. Ever hear of A Song of Ice and Fire? Well, how about A Song of Lightning and Smoke? Are you excited for Infamous: Second Son? Are you waiting for its release to buy a PlayStation 4? Comment below!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.