Among the many mistakes Microsoft made in marketing the Xbox One was making their motion control device, the Microsoft Kinect, a mandatory part of the purchase. Much was made of the fact that the Xbox One was more expensive than the PS4 (which no doubt helped the PS4 establish an early sales lead), and had Microsoft offered a Kinect-less model right out of the gate, the console would no doubt have sold somewhat better. For many serious gamers, the idea of being forced to buy a peripheral for which few serious games are actually made is quite off-putting, especially when said peripheral clearly costs a lot of money to produce, and just bumps up the cost of an already pricey bit of kit. Microsoft's UK marketing team have insisted that the Kinect is "an absolutely integral part of the Xbox One experience", again proving that they clearly don't know their audience. Gaming should be all about freedom and choice, and some people are happy playing their games and navigating menus with that plastic thing you hold in your hands...a controller, that's it. Did we miss any disappointing aspects of the next-gen launch so far? Or do you feel that Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony have actually nailed it? Let us know in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.