1. The Utter Lack of Buzzworthy Launch Games
Then you have the games. I challenge you, dear reader, to think of three killer titles that you simply must have, that are either not available on current consoles, or that offer a marked improvement over their regular versions. Knack anyone? Dead Rising 3? What about Ryse: Son of Rome or Killzone: Shadow Fall? Exactly. The only title that seemed to be tracking well amongst a swathe of generic tripe was Watch Dogs, and even that was essentially the Desmond Miles sections of what would surely have been part of Assassins Creed 5 had they not tanked the franchise with part three. Add on the fact that the term cross-gen is in full-effect, with Assassins Creed 4, Need For Speed: Rivals, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and that other GTA-sized franchise Call of Dutys Ghosts all being cross developed onto current hardware, and theres almost nothing to look forward to where the results arent a foregone conclusion. Remember when Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs were doing battle, and Sony said that wed want to re-buy all our DVDs on Blu-ray? To which the world went, Im alright thanks, Ill just get the new stuff? It feels very much the same here, with a less technically-robust version available without forking out a few hundred for extra kit that right now seems like its going to do essentially the same job. So what do you guys make of the current vibe surrounding the lead-in to a whole new generation of hardware? Is this entire article coming out of the blue, or do find yourself agreeing with anything I've put down? Please let me know in the comments and let's get some good discussions going about what titles and features are worth looking forward to!