10 Reasons Pokémon Will Never Catch On

6. The Anime Will Struggle

6 anime

Pokémon looks to be a bigger deal that just a game. That's what this whole article is about. We wouldn't think '10 Reasons Why No-one Will Like Tetris', partly because Tetris is great but also Tetris isn't trying to sell plushes or candy or toys or, the most difficult sell of all, an anime show. Anime hasn't taken off hugely in the UK. Of course, there was Akira but we haven't seen a whole lot of follow-up. How many anime shows do you watch on daytime TV? Maybe if you're lucky enough to have satellite, but the majority of us are stuck with ITV and the Beeb. So, with no anime fan-base to build on, will the Pokémon series even work over here? It's a totally different style, not to mention the controversy some of the episodes have found themselves in. €œElectric Soldier Porygon€ caused a massive amount of seizures to those who watched it and in one episode a safari ranger points a gun at the protagonist's head. This early controversy could see the Pokémon anime stopped before it even reaches us.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24