10 Reasons Star Wars Battlefront Is The Best Star Wars Game Ever

1. The Player Community Is Still As Strong As Ever

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For everything that Star Wars Battlefront does well, it would be worth nothing if gamers weren't buying into it. Well, luckily, this game's community are still fully engrossed in what it has to offer a Star Wars loving public. Online battles are constantly full, and all signs point toward a stable future for the competitive online play.

Joining the larger games in Star Wars Battlefront is easy at all times, and you're all but guaranteed to be involved in a game that's reached its player capacity. Along with this, the ratio of high-level players filling these games is a great sign. Well-customised and clearly committed players populate every Battlefront mode, showing that its battles and games offer more than enough longevity for gamers to enjoy.

While games like Destiny have started to struggle and toil under the weight of their own muddled ambitions, Star Wars Battlefront's simple, singular goal is refreshing; create a solid Star Wars game and the players will make sure it stays great.

Battlefront's technical and atmospheric merits deserve a committed player base. Above all else it's important that this remain true for the fans of this game.


Been with Battlefront since the very start, or perhaps you're still not convinced? Pitch your own ideas for what Star Wars Battlefront needs to do to win you over in the comments below!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.