10 Reasons The Evil Within 2 Is The Best Survival Horror Of The Decade

2. It's Not Only Scary During Scripted Moments


Unlike other survival horror games that save their scares for big set-piece moments, The Evil Within 2 is so terrifying because it doesn't need to rely on these huge scripted scenes to be creepy.

The game still has major memorable moments throughout its campaign, but it's also full to the brim with small, unnerving unscripted scares that happen naturally during gameplay.

Venturing into the unknown of an unmarked house to see a shadow against the wall or the sounds of banging coming from upstairs is enough to put you on edge as you check every corner, and there doesn't need to be a huge jump scare at the end to make it scary.

Even then, when the big scares do come, they're often not where you expect them to be, being hidden away in the least likely of places. This works in the game's favour, because at the heart of everything is a great fear of the unknown making The Evil Within 2 such a nerve-wracking experience.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3