10 Reasons The PlayStation Vita Was An Overlooked Gem

3. Earning Trophies On The Go

PlayStation PS Vita

This one is for all the trophy hunters out there. Yes! You can earn trophies from games on your Vita. 99.9% of all games do have trophy support and they still work to this day, including most multiplayer components too.

Many on the system that feature a multiplayer component such as Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified still have a regular player base which means that the platforms multiplayer offerings still have the capability to earn trophies for your Playstation profile.

Some of the trophies can also be earned cross-platform if the game has that functionality. Take Spelunky for example, if you purchase this title on the Vita you also get the PS4 and PS3 versions which mean you can earn trophies on the home console versions as well as the handheld version. The trophy progression carries over across all platforms so there's no need to fear that earning an endgame trophy on one version will mean you have to go through the same hardships again on another.

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Self-confessed Survival Horror obsessed Sony fanboy. Too hot to handle, too cold to hold...the cream of the crop.