10 Reasons Titanfall Is A Call Of Duty Killer

9. Burn Cards Are The New Perks

One of the most imaginative features in Titanfall is the burn card system introduced when players hit level 7. At first this might just seem like a fancy rip-off of Call Of Duty's perks, but in actuality it's a lot more interesting. After each round of play, you'll receive a randomly allocated set of burn cards, which can provide a wide range of enhancements, such as a more powerful weapon, shorter build time for Titans, permanent cloak, double XP and so on. During play, these can be selected prior to respawning after death, though what makes them superior to COD's perks system isn't just the randomness, but the strategic element to employing them: make sure your team's on a hot streak before deploying double XP, and so on. Whereas COD's perks system quickly becomes ordinary and easy to take for granted, the randomness of the burn cards keeps things unpredictable and also makes the playing field fairer in a sense.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.