10 Reasons Titanfall Is A Call Of Duty Killer

10. It's Newbie Friendly

Call Of Duty can be a terrifying experience for those who've heard all the fuss and want to see for themselves. This might be difficult for us veterans to appreciate, having been playing these games for 7 years straight, but to a partner, younger sibling or parent, trying to play Ghosts is truly being thrown in at the deep end. The frenetic pace of the combat, and how much better everyone else is liable to be than yourself can no doubt make for a frustrating few hours that may not particularly inspire the uninitiated to keep playing. Titanfall has come up with a novel way to combat this, by adding bots into the fray. Not only do bots make the battles seem large in scale despite only being 6v6 human players, but they also allow the less-skilled FPS players among us to feel like they're accomplishing something, and this in turn will help train them to get better at shooting player targets too. Every gaming community is going to have its elitists, but at least with Titanfall being a new experience and benefiting from a bot-populated map, it's not going to be as arduous a learning curve for the noobs.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.