10 Reasons To Hate World Of Warcraft

1. The Community

fs If there's one thing that makes me hate WoW and pretty much most MMO games, it's the community. Just spend a few minutes on Blizzard's forums and you'll see how awful the community is, it's as if the CoD players had children of their own who decided to play WoW whilst their parents played CoD. It's not just how much they defend the game and the company behind it, but how they react to new users..or in fact how they react to anything. If you say that game's easy they'll flame you, if you say it's too hard they'll flame you; in fact if you say anything they'll flame you. It's not just on the forums though, just spend a few moments in the game and it'll make the forums look like a tame petting zoo. Register as a female character and act a tad girly and you'll be bombarded with messages ranging from "Hey would you like some help?" to "hai pls be mi gurlfrund", it's terrifying. For a game with millions of subscribers you'd expect there to be some sort of variety, but it's really horrifying how similar all the people are. Honestly, I'd rather spend the rest of my life with a headset tied to my head and have to listen to all the CoD playing children on Xbox live than spend any more time interacting with the WoW community. I'm not saying all WoW players are horrible people, but by god there are a lot of them out there. If the community doesn't put you off WoW and none of these other 9 points will, I really have no idea what will.

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