10 Reasons Watch Dogs 2 Is One Of The Best Sequels Ever

2. The Characters Are Genuinely Great

watch dogs 2

One of the biggest surprises in Watch Dogs 2 is how endearing and loveable the characters are. Marcus and the rest of the DedSec gang end up becoming genuinely enjoyable and sympathetic across the sizeable campaign.

Whilst the first Watch Dogs had the vengeance-fuelled Aiden Pearce, Watch Dogs 2 gives us the dorky Marcus Holloway.

Marcus is infinitely more likeable because of his morality, his drive and an ability to lead. He's also a shameless nerd, with his several reference to vintage movies and the obvious David Hasselhoff parody making him even more endearing. The emotional moments also help develop his character into someone you genuinely want to succeed, which can't be said about Aiden.

The supporting cast of Watch Dogs 2 are just as great as Marcus. Wrench in particular stands out for being one of the more entertaining and layered members of the group, whilst Josh and Sitara also have their own great moments. Even Dusan is a villain you love to hate.

Each character in the DedSec gang gets their own share of screen time and their own special moments of development. They're not just a big step up from the characters of the first game, they're great characters in their own right.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.