10 Reasons Why Apex Legends Is BETTER Than Call Of Duty: Blackout

2. Teamwork Makes Matches More Focused

Apex Legends

The biggest difference between Apex Legends and any of its competitors is the way it forces you into a team of three. While that will no doubt put the lone wolves out there off, it's actually the best decision Respawn could have made. While team modes exist in other battle royale games, those experiences certainly aren't tailored around them. They can still be enjoyable, but those titles are designed specifically so you have fun no matter whether you're alone or with friends.

Apex Legends, on the other hand, would be demonstrably worse solo. The way the heroes are set up makes their power sets and unique abilities kinda useless if they're not supported by those of other players, while coming into contact with three other enemies ensures a dramatic firefight even if it's your first and last of the game. And, of course, it ensures you always have a chance to be revived and brought back into the match without having to quit.

It's the subtler changes that make the experience feel fresh, though. The way you group together when dropping in, and the subtle uses of the ping system, inherently promotes team play and bouncing off each other. You're not just aimlessly wandering around, passively searching for items and hoping nobody stumbles across you, but roaming the wastes as a strong unit and actively seeking out combat encounters.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3