10 Reasons Why Final Fantasy IX Is The Best Game Of The Series

2. Characters Have Legitimate Personality

Final Fantasy IX
Square Enix

Final Fantasy IX doesn't just have distinct character designs, so striking, a fan could look at the silhouette and know instantly who they're seeing. It also has characters with personalities that all grow and change in remarkable ways.

The story is carried forward by the plucky thief, Zidane, good-willed and adventure loving, a massive departure from the last two protagonists who were so jaded they might as well have green skin. Accompanying him on his quest to save the world is Princess Garnet, who bares the weight of youthful ambition on one shoulder and her royal responsibility on the other, the aforementioned Vivi, Garnet's rigid bodyguard, Steiner, and Final Fantasy's resident genderfluid foodie, Quina, among others.

These characters make for more than just roles in a battle. Each one has enough quiet-time to interface with other members of the party, exchange perspectives, and speak on their feelings. Party members don't leave their mark on the quest so much as they do on each other. Players even get to see it all, with story scenarios called Active Time Events, where control goes from one character to another in moments where the party splits up.

By the journey's end, nobody is the same. Everyone from the royalty to the ruffians has had their world rocked and their perspectives rearranged. They don't just become better fighters, but better people.


A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.