10 Reasons Why Quake Is The Hardest FPS Of All Time

7. Map Knowledge

Quake Champions big man with big gun
Id Software

The maps in Quake are far from simple; claustrophobic passages lead under Gothic archways into vast sacrificial chambers, gravity wells drop you next to grisly gargoyles on high perches, bounce pads launch you through the stars, and teleporters transport you to darksome corners of cathedralic castles.

More so than any other game, knowing the maps inside out is essential in Quake. For one, you need to know where items will spawn in order to control them, which I will talk about in more depth later on. Secondly, with movement being as important as it is, you need to be able to move around the map or your opponent will easily out-manoeuvre you.

Map knowledge can also save your hide in a tight spot. When you are 'out of control', knowing the places on the map that have multiple escape routes will allow you to elude your opponent and bide your time long enough to build up a decent stack. Additionally, knowing different entry points and where your opponent will come from will allow you to spam chokes with rockets and prevent them from getting a fair chance at contesting a spawning mega.

If you have ever had the pleasure of watching pros play on maps like Aerowalk and Hektik, you would no doubt have seen some insane railshots that leave you wondering how on earth they knew that their opponent would be there in that exact moment. Although this is due in large part to their uncanny ability to read their opponents, it is also because they know the maps like the back of their hand.

We of course do not need that level of game sense to enjoy playing the game, but being lost in the labyrinth that is Dredwerkz is no fun.


Ever since I saw BJ grin as he picked up the chain gun in Wolfenstein 3D, I've been hooked on video games. My first love, however, was Counter-Strike 1.3 and I would beg my mom to take me to Internet cafés just so I could play it. The other two games that captured my heart were World of Warcraft and Quake, though I play all sorts of games (especially of the competitive multiplayer type). Oh, and I love dwarves and write fantasy stories about them in my free time.