4. The Choices In The Narrative
Save the Little Sister and get some Adam or harvest her and get it all? You could say that this whole augment is irrelevant. They are not real, if you get all the Adam, you should be able to do more actions and moves with the plasmids. In the game, you have already allocated the splicers to the realms of the irredeemable and dammed. But you can also decide not to do it. You dont have the option to save the splices but you can save this girl. Besides, there is the opportunity to be rewarded by Tenenbaum if you do. Also you may not want to get through the game by doing this. While your choices will affect the ending of the game, there is still the opportunity to replay it and see both. This idea would be expanded in Bioshock 2 with the ending affected by your actions towards three different named characters. In first game, the idea of the player having a choice is to give a greater impact to a particular reveal.