10 Reasons Xbox Series X Has ALREADY Won The Next Generation War Over PS5

9. X-Cloud Streaming

Halo xbox ps5

Whether you are interested in cloud gaming or not, the prospect of having your library available to you wherever you go and on whichever device happens to be handy is doubtless an intriguing prospect.

Supporting phone, tablet, PC, and console, you can have access to Game Pass wherever, so long as you have an adequate internet connection. Industry analysts have been touting streaming as the next big thing in gaming and, with Microsoft's offering, you can experiment with the new service in its infancy; a gentle introduction to gaming's new horizons.

There are a number of practical situations in which X-Cloud could save someone's day, especially as it would allow consumers access to their content even in the event of an unfortunate separation from their machine or set up.

And unlike Google's misguided efforts with Stadia, Microsoft is showcasing an enthusiasm and determination to support this new venture with the prerequisite energy to make a success of it. If X-Cloud takes off, expect gaming as you know it to change, even if the advent of Stadia wasn't quite so earth-shattering.

There's certainly more to game streaming than just its novelty, and X-Cloud will be instrumental in demonstrating just that.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.