10 Reasons You Should Give No Man's Sky Another Chance

7. Hiring Workers

no man's sky
Hello Games

Before you get any perfectly legit ideas about legions of space slaves shackled in your Emeril mine no, you can’t do that. What you can do is hire workers from nearby space stations to come and work in your base.

Some are specialists in technology or building meaning that if, for example, you want to be THE name in high tech weaponry then you’ll need to hire yourself a weapons specialist.

Besides the obvious benefits of eventually having more guns than anyone else just having people around makes your experience richer. It gives you a sense of purpose. No longer are you one person struggling against the elements, you’re now an intergalactic Alan Sugar, hiring and firing and leading the team. Sure your base is never going to look like the Mos Eisley cantina but everyone likes company right?


80% David Brent / 20% Def Jam. Does whatever a spider can.