10 Reasons You Should Revisit Skyrim Before The ‘Anniversary Edition’

3. Killing Bosses

skyrim vulthuryol

It’s basically impossible to play through a game of Skyrim without running into a boss or two, but the toughest baddies in the land often require some careful thought and planning – as well as the right gear. So, making a name for yourself as a boss killer is a great way to play through the game.

And, while everyone’s fought the dragons and vampire lords, draugrs and automatons, you might not have run across some of Skyrim’s hidden bosses yet. There are three bosses who don’t lie at the end of a quest, and whose summoning requires a few steps.

Finding these three bosses – the dragon Vulthuryol, the frost giant Karstaag and the ominously-named Reaper, can lead you to some of the game’s hardest combat – and some of the best loot.

The Anniversary Edition brings lots of new features, but no new bosses – unless they’re included in the Creation Club, which remains something of a mystery for now. If you want to fight your way through Skyrim’s finest, you don’t have to wait.


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