10 Reasons You'll Want To Play Ghost Recon: Wildlands

7. Customisable Weapons & Loadout

Ghost Recon Wildlands Co-Op
Ubisoft Paris

As with the team themselves, the weapons of Wildlands are also extremely customisable – in fact, even more so.

Weapons are initially chosen at the loadout before you are dropped into the map, allowing you to choose from a wide selection of guns and accessories that are available from the beginning of the game. Each Ghost can carry up to two primary weapons, as well as accessories like grenades or charges.

Once the player has their boots on the ground, there is nothing to stop them switching weapons with those they find in the world. Perhaps you brought a sniper rifle thinking a stealth approach would be best, only for enemy helicopters to demand a more Schwarzenegger-Rocket-Launcher-type response.

Weapons and accessories found in crates and on dispatched enemies from around the map are added to your ever-growing arsenal the next time you load out or need to call in a supply drop.

There are 50 customisable weapons available in Wildlands, as well as over 100 accessories. Primary and secondary weapons cover assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, light machine guns, sub-machine guns and handguns, among others. And like your outfits, the design and colours can be customised to suit the environment as well.


Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!