10 Recent Video Game Bosses Who DESTROYED Players
3. Master Fortress - Super Smash Bros. For Wii U
Not only is the final boss of Super Smash Bros for Wii U rock-hard but you need to complete certain criteria to face him. Like most fighting games, you can select the difficulty rating in the Story Mode.
The difficulty ranges from 1.0 to 9.0. If you lose your lives, you can continue but the difficulty level will drop. If you lost a match while you were playing on 9.0, the difficulty will plummet to 8.0. You can only face the true final boss, Master Fortress, if you are above 9.0 by the end.
There are six phases to this fight. If you think these stages start easy, you're mistaken. The most experienced player can easily be killed during any of these six forms.
To hurt the boss, you need to hit him in the Core. Since the enemy is covered in shadow, it's tricky to tell where the Core is, meaning it's likely you'll repeatedly strike at nothing, leaving you vulnerable to attack.
After defeating the first five incarnations, you must traverse the level-sized death trap called the Master Fortress to destroy the Core. The Fortress is laced with acid and projectile-firing enemies, which can kill you with one hit.