10 Recent Video Game Disasters Developers Apologised For

6. Sony Apologised For The PS5 Pre-Order Debacle

Efootball 2022

Locking down a PlayStation 5 for pre-order last year sure was a mess, largely due to Sony themselves failing to adequately organise and control the situation before pre-orders went live.

Mere hours after the PS5 price and date reveal last September, pre-orders for the console suddenly went live, despite Sony previously promising that all retailers and customers would be given adequate time to prepare for the pre-order rush.

Sony had stated that pre-orders wouldn't go live until the day after the reveal, though seemingly suddenly changed their minds, causing retailers to open the floodgates and begin accepting pre-orders.

It wasn't quite clear where the chain of communication broke down, but many customers were nevertheless left frustrated that the gun was jumped, causing many to lose out on pre-orders.

This was especially frustrating given the stock shortages caused by manufacturing during the pandemic, resulting in Sony offering an apology on Twitter a few days later, while assuring players they were generating as much new stock as fast as possible.

Granted, Sony was quids in regardless, but it was still nice to see them hold their hands up and accept responsibility for perhaps the most chaotic pre-order snaffu in game console history.

Sadly PS5 shortages ended up continuing worldwide for the better part of the console's first 12 months on the market.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.