10 Recent Video Games Critics Hated (But Players LOVED)

7. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

Terminator resistance
Grasshopper Manufacture

The No More Heroes games have generally been well-received by critics, though 2019's Travis Strikes Again remains the outlier of the four mainline titles.

With a mere 67 Metascore, most critics were lukewarm-at-best on the game, many dismissing it as a bland, repetitive hack 'n' slash title that felt more like a limp imitation of a Suda51 game, and one that at eight hours in length grossly outstayed its welcome.

Players gave it a far more welcoming 7.8 user score, though, and on Steam it retains "Very Positive" reviews.

Given that Travis Strikes Again is an unashamedly "for the fans" game, that might account for it performing better within its customer niche.

There's also the fact that players were much less likely than critics to be blasting through the game - in critics' case to meet embargo - and becoming exhausted by the repetition on offer.

That it launched for the cheaper budget price of $29.99 probably didn't hurt either.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.