10 Recent Video Games Sent Out To Die

3. The Walking Dead: Destinies

Suicide Squad
Game Mill

It's saying something that in a year which brought us stinkers like Lord of the Rings: Gollum, The Day Before and Redfall, The Walking Dead: Destinies still stands out as being one of the smelliest in recent memory. Granted, it's impossible to name a Walking Dead game based on the TV show that you'd generously give even a 6/10 (unlike the games based on its comic counterpart, which are nearly universally incredible), but Destinies is a special kind of bad because it's built around the nugget of a good idea. 

Though the gameplay looks and feels budget, it might not have mattered if the central conceit - that being giving the player the ability to alter events from the first four seasons of the show and create interesting 'what if' storylines based around the show's major beats - was handled well.

Of course, this central mechanic amounts to little more than a gimmick in the title itself, with the majority of time being spent in bland levels grappling with atrocious controls and stealth that'll make you think you've gone back in time to the PS2 era. 

Some games don't deserve to be sent out to die, but others? Well... no comment.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3