10 Recent Video Games That Totally Divided Players

1. Indika

Hellblade II
Odd Meter

And finally we have Indika - a fascinatingly bizarre third-person story-driven game in which players control the titular nun as she navigates a bleak existence in 19th century Russia.

One of the oddest games released this year so far - or in any year, really - Indika is a tough beast to quantify, lurching from walking simulator to puzzle game and back again while daring players to invest in its deeply surreal crisis-of-faith story.

Indeed, you've never played anything quite like Indika - a game which clearly relishes making fun of the medium's biggest tropes, even as it forces players to partake in intentionally tedious busy-work mini-games in-between the strangely alluring narrative.

For some, it's a peculiar meditation on faith wrapped inside a self-aware commentary on the state of modern gaming, while to others, Indika is a low-budget-to-a-fault indie that pads out its already brief play-time out with head-smackingly tedious puzzles.

What just about everyone can agree on, at least, is that it's one of the most singular gaming experiences out there.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.