10 Released (And Upcoming) Games You Should Buy For The Wii U

2. Hyrule Warriors

In what was a surprise announcement just a couple short weeks ago, Hyrule Warriors effectively marries the Legend of Zelda general story and Dynasty Warriors hack and slash gameplay. The normal Legend of Zelda trappings are all there: Link's spin attack, gaining items through treasure chest and the Master Sword. It is being co-developed with Tecmo-Koei, the creators of such games as Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and Dead or Alive. Not much else is known about the game right now, but over the coming months we should learn more about this highly anticipated game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOq4IiuRMWk

Shawn “Loc Da’Borg” Jackson is a native of Mississippi, born in Vicksburg and raised in Philadelphia in Neshoba County. At the age of 15 he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and, later into his early 20s, he became Profoundly Deaf. Writing has been one of the main staples of his life and he has dedicated a good portion of it to educate, entertain and enthrall with the written word.