10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22

8. Keith Lee

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt
2K Games/WWE

Keith 'Bearcat' Lee (remember that?) was one of the more high profile releases during the 4 November purge. The ex-NXT favourite seemed destined to smash it on Raw when he jumped up a level, but things never really got going for our Keith.

WWE should make it up to him by firing off one of those meaty video game bonuses.

Why not? Lee is exactly the kind of wrestler that gamers would love to play as in 2K22 - he's only just left the company for pastures new too. Keith hasn't shown up elsewhere quite yet either, and he's another worker who will already have a model ready to go. It seems unlikely that 2K didn't make one.

2K22 is mere months away, so it may even be too late in the day to punt Lee off the roster count. Again, 2K will want this to be a definitive WWE experience. They'll want to brag about the "biggest roster ever" as well, so that's another reason why Keith is in.

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