10 Resolutions Gaming's Heroes Need To Keep

1. Ellie €“ Invest In A Swear Jar

The world of The Last of Us is a violent and harsh one full of no holds barred rules for survival, and with that comes a cast of characters that swear like there€™s no tomorrow. It€™s one of those rare cases where the nonstop foul language is warranted though and actually enhances the harrowing atmosphere present throughout the game. Joel€™s young and tough teenage companion is not a rule to the exception either; as a matter of fact Ellie curses more frequently than any other character in the game. Can you blame her though? She has never been a part of a normal and civilized society, just an apocalyptic hell where morals and all human decency have gone non-existent. There is a glimmer of hope though for Joel and Ellie now living somewhat peacefully. Maybe this can be an opportunity to not only relax and learn more about past teenage lifestyles, but to cut back on the swearing. It€™s not exactly a flattering trait. Know of any other gaming heroes that should take up a New Year's Resolution? Comment below!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.