10 Ridiculous Design Decisions In Video Games

9. Stand Still To Aim - Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

The Resident Evil franchise's infamous tank controls have proven massively divisive among players, though in fairness, it's a choice that absolutely made sense for the first three games.

These early entries into the series heavily restricted the players' movements and forced them to fight off zombies within a constricted series of camera angles, while requiring them to stop moving in order to aim and fire their weapons.

But when Resident Evil 4 revolutionised the franchise by introducing over-the-shoulder gunplay, it made sense that Capcom probably should've also adjusted the controls - specifically lessening the aiming restrictions.

Instead, players still found themselves forced to stand still in order to aim. While some fans might argue that this heightened the game's tension, considering its countless innovations otherwise, it felt lazily old-school in a game otherwise keen to move the series on.

Sadly, Resident Evil 5 also retained the stand-to-aim mechanic, and it wasn't until Resident Evil: Revelations and (the otherwise terrible) Resident Evil 6 that players were able to actually strafe while aiming.

Standing still to aim had its place in classic Resident Evil, but by the time the series went over-the-shoulder, it really should've gone the way of the dodo. Thankfully, Capcom finally appears to have accepted this with more recent entries.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.