10 Ridiculous Excuses For Failed Video Games
4. Fury: The Players Were Losers And Everyone Wanted To Play World Of Warcraft Instead
As we’ve already noted, new IPs are a heck of a prospect these days. As much as developers and publishers want to bring us the Next Big Thing(tm), the industry is utterly dominated by already-existing Big Things (such as the aforementioned Fortnite and sequel-imminent Overwatch), which quite like it up there on their pedestals and aren’t about to be knocked off of them by anything other than a full-blown hurricane of gaming goodness.
Was Fury a full-blown hurricane of gaming goodness? Well, that’s probably a bit of a stretch. Auran’s MMORPG may have been, had it gone the distance, but we’ll never know now. The ambitious (and far too PvP focused) title was quickly reverted to free-to-play, before having its servers shut down just a year after release.
What went wrong? According to Auran’s CEO, Tony Hilliam, it was a mixture of players being losers “ultimately Fury didn't have 200 hours of safe haven PvE environments where players could become comfortable with their character. The result was they came and they got beaten up, without really knowing why, and blamed the game for this” and wanting to play World of Warcraft instead (which he called “the World of Warcraft factor.”