10 Most Ridiculous Gaming Cameos

2. Michael Jackson (Space Channel 5)

The Dreamcast€™s peculiar rhythm game Space Channel 5 sees you take control of Ulala; an alien who must defeat other outer-wordly beings in a series of dance-offs or shoot-outs to get the highest rating and progress to the next stage. The dance-offs involve repeating the on-screen commands in time to the rhythm to pull off a dance routine while the shoot-outs involve shooting a wave of enemies to save hostages. A very strange combination, right? Michael Jackson had always been known to have an affinity with Sega €“ both the Moonwalker game based on the late-great popstar and the rumours surrounding his involvement with Sonic 3€™s soundtrack suggest that Michael had a soft spot for the gaming company. Michael would also receive a small cameo role in Space Channel 5 as Space Michael, with the King of Pop both giving his likeness to and voicing his sci-fi alter-ego. Jackson would go on to be involved in the game€™s sequel which provided the same fare to excite the game€™s predominantly Japanese audience.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.