8. Your Choices Don't Matter - Mass Effect 3
One of the most impressive features promised to fans of the Mass Effect series was that the book-ending third installment would feature a payoff that engages with all of the moral decisions you've made throughout the series. Fans who kept their saves and pumped tens, even hundreds of hours into the franchise would get a satisfying ending that felt personal, but this wasn't something found in reality, in what was one of the harshest video game backlashes in history. The finale of the game simply offers Shepard three colours which represent three simple choices, a fact that isn't at all disguised by the game and makes BioWare's claim at the outset seem utterly absurd. Why say that something so awesome is going to be offered to the player if, in fact, it absolutely is not? Fans angrily took to the game's message boards to denounce the company, causing them to eventually release a DLC that "enhanced" the ending, though really by this point much of the damage couldn't really be undone.