10 Ridiculous Video Games Based On Horror Movies

5. Parasite Eve

dead rising 4
Square Enix

With the film coming out a year before the game, the story that sees a dead woman return as a bundle of sentient mitochondria has a lot to answer for. I don't really know how to convey the ridiculousness of this title better than that as an opening line, honestly.

Parasite Eve sees you take on the role of Aya, a NYPD rookie caught up in a mitochondria mystery in which people keep spontaneously combusting, with one big bad Eve causing a ruckus all over the city thanks to her jazzy cells. The story follows on as a sequel to the movie, which in turn was adapted from a novel, and all of it combines together into one big coagulated mess much like the biological beasties that plague the narrative.

It's dated now, but Parasite Eve came at the forefront of the J-horror craze, and plays with all the genres trappings in wickedly ridiculous style.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.