10 Ridiculously Ambitious Video Games That Failed Horribly

3. Messiah

One of the most-hyped PC games of the early 00s, Messiah seemed to more focused on marketing the product than actually making the game deliver on its promises. Messiah seemed to be on the cover of every gaming magazine in the late 90s, while advertisements lauded it as the Next Big Thing in gaming. The game's premise was excitingly ambitious, putting players in the shoes of a Cherub who could possess Earth's people in order to fight against Sin itself. Things started getting troubling when it missed its Christmas 1998 release date, and again in the summer of 1999. Once Messiah was finally released in 2000, critics and gamers were left wondering what the fuss was all about. The gameplay was clunky, and the hype had died by the time it limped onto the scene, leading to disappointing sales and cancelled console ports.

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