10 Scariest Enemies In Non-Horror Games

1. Broodmother - Dragon Age Series

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In the world of fantasy RPGs, there will typically be the occasional undead horror to depose. A ghastly dragon, perhaps, or vampire, or maybe a hag. The Dragon Age series has ventured into this sort of territory before, and the Broodmother is probably the most fearsome creation of them all.

Where do all of those pesky darkspawn come from? Partially from one of these abominations, that’s where. You’ve probably heard of a face that only a mother could love, but sometimes, dear old mum’s not that much of a looker herself. 

A Broodmother is the wretched result of females of different species being forced to consume other darkspawn. This causes an affliction of the taint and, through the loss of their original humanity (or whatever her original species was), they become biologically suitable to produce further hordes of darkspawn, continuing the cycle of horrifying things propagating more horrifying things. As is the wont of the Dragon Age series’ overarching plot.

In battle, a Broodmother can bring her wide-reaching tentacles and corrosive saliva to bear on foes, making her a challenging foe to approach. 

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