10 Scariest Video Game Enemies That Stalk You

Ever feel like something or someone is watching you?

Resident Evil 3

The horror genre can be very subjective. Some may find true scares in the supernatural, while others discover an existential crisis with the realisation that extra terrestrials could exist. No matter who you are, everyone has a fear of something.

When it comes to gaming, this can be a tricky slope to navigate as you hopelessly attempt to scare the hell out of everyone playing. A plethora of instances have resorted to simple jump scares to invoke fear into the player, while others throw everything and the kitchen sink into the mix to get under your skin.

One of the oldest elements of horror is the fear of being watched. It's a universal terror that has most likely plagued each and every one of us at some time or another in our lives. It's also an element to horror games that is becoming more prevelant in this day and age.

The reason this method works so well is how it can be translated to any medium of horror. From deranged serial killers, to other worldly predators, the fear of the unknown is what drives players back to these games again and again.

Some work better than others however, so here are ten creepy and grotesque enemies that got under our skin through intense stalking in our gaming sessions.

10. Xenomorph - Alien Isolation

Resident Evil 3

Alien Isolation did many things right. It took everything we love about the world of Alien, from the retro styled look at futuristic space travel, to the ambiance that draped the first two films, and sucked the audience in.

It also retained the ability to scare the living crap out of you!

The majority of Alien Isolation has you in a cat and mouse chase with our Xenomorph friend, and no, we are not the cat.

Armed with very little, you spend most of your trek through this decrepit space station with little more than a motion tracker. Nothing fills you with dread more than the sudden beep, followed by the green blob on the tracker approaching your position, faster and faster.

Much of your play-through will be spent in the muggy air of old crew mates' lockers as you desperately hold your breath to avoid detection. The knowledge that there's a Xenomorph pressed up against the door conjures a feeling of horror not many games can match. In fact, with the amount of time you do spend hiding away in lockers, it's shocking this wasn't actually called Locker Simulator.

Alien Isolation is terrifying, intense and relentless. But it's a bloody good embodiment of the franchise.

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.