10 Scariest Video Game Enemies That Stalk You

8. The Ink Demon - Bendy And The Ink Machine

Resident Evil 3
Kindly Beast

Childhood fears stay with us throughout most of our lifetimes. Some of us get over them, but others will stay gripped to our very beings till the very end.

Bendy and the Ink Machine takes seemingly innocent children's drawings and turns them into a truly horrifying concept. The story behind Bendy is an ink machine which seemingly gave life to this daunting drawing. Starting off seemingly harmless with no soul, it's not long before the demonic side of Bendy is unveiled and brings pure horror to the players investigating this abandoned art studio.

Bendy's innocent grin becomes all the more sinister as he mercilessly tracks you down throughout the various levels of the art department. This corrupted version of Bendy is anything but the happiness the artists wanted to convey in their comics, but instead wants you dead.

The chilling atmosphere of the chase is made unsettling through an art style which invokes old Disney cartoons such as Steamboat Willie, a much cherished childhood memory. Bendy and the Ink Machine takes these comforts, turns them on their head, and then chases us down endless hallways with them. Truly haunting.

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.