10 Scrapped Video Game Boss Battles That Would've Been Incredible

5. Meta Kraid - Metroid Prime

Spider-Man PS4

As great as Metroid Dread was, one of the best things about it was seeing Kraid finally returning to the Metroid franchise after a twenty-seven year absence. (No, appearing in the background of a Smash Bros stage doesn't count).

However, if things had gone to plan during Metroid Prime's development we could have fought everyone's favourite morbidly obese reptile all the way back in 2003.

Originally planned as a boss fight for the GameCube classic, Kraid was cut due to time constraints. Jack Mathews, Metroid Prime's tech leader, would reveal that Kraid made it to the prototype stage but the planned fight was unfeasibly large for the time limit the developers were working under.

The battle would have involved multiple stages, moving platforms, and finding a way to remove the retro sci-fi helmet adorning Kraid's skull to reveal his weak spot for massive damage. (Oof, showing our age with that reference...)

Given that Kraid's partner in crime Meta-Ridley got not one but two epic boss fights in the Metroid Prime series, it's a shame it took so long for Nintendo to bring the fan-favourite dino-beast back to our screens. But as anyone who's played Metroid: Dread will tell you, it was worth the wait.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.