10 Secret Rewards For HOURS Of Grinding

8. Infinity Blade - Stardew Valley

final fantasy vii dirge of cerberus

Stardew Valley is a cozy farming game about living the simple country life and making friends with the titular town's residents.

Until you get into the combat section, that is. That's when Stardew Valley becomes a gauntlet, filled with challenges, survival, power-scaling, and, most importantly, hours of grinding devoted to finding and crafting the most powerful weapon in the game.

The secret Infinity Blade is a combination of another secret weapon, the Galaxy Sword, with plenty of rare and hard-to-get resources.

Just to get the base ingredient in the form of the Galaxy Sword, the player needs to spend a good few hours in the game to unlock the desert area and then find an extremely rare Prismatic Shard that they can place under a rock to turn it into the weapon.

After you do that, the grind becomes even worse, as turning the Galaxy Sword into the Infity Blade requires three galaxy souls that you get for completing difficult tasks and missions, as well as sixty cinder shards that occasionally drop from magma monsters.

The sword you get for all this work pays back tenfold, however, as its speed and high damage output make it the ultimate tool for clearing high-level dungeons.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.