10 Secret Video Game Endings For Doing The Impossible

3. Grim Reaper - Way Of The Samurai 3

serious sam 4

Way of the Samurai 3 tells a classic zero-to-hero story where you start off as a newbie katana wielder and become one of the greatest swordsmen in feudal Japan.

Except things don't always end on the "hero" side of the story. The game features 22 different endings, and one of them requires you to use your awesome power to fulfill a feat of impossible cruelty—kill everyone you ever come across.

The Grim Reaper ending, as the name suggests, is the ending in which you kill every single NPC in the game.

That means every. Single. One.

The ending is impossible to get without a guide, as some characters will only appear if others are alive at a specific moment in the story, so you have to time all of your murders perfectly, and if you slip up even once, it's back to square one.

Becoming the Grim Reaper is easily the most amazing feat you can achieve in Way of the Samurai 3, although don't expect an amazing reward for it as the ending is just a slideshow describing how much of a menace you are.

Well, considering there's no one left alive to act out a better ending, it does make sense.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.